Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tribal Masks anyone?

What a great time we had on Wednesday, August 11th!  Joe Lindley had brought in a sample of these "tribal masks".  He has painted them and hung them around the rim canal in the past to amuse people.  We gathered up the dried palm tree leaves, Joe cleaned them up, painted them with Kilz (during a rainy week), said he was tripping over them in his house.  His efforts paid off, thank you Joe, and the crafters had an awesome time creating their very own pieces.  Notice the ivy leaves by Farrell.  Welcome to a new friend Bev also.  Glad to have you!  This is going to make a plant holder!  Does the community like of our local churches is borrowing this week for vacation bible school and their theme Lava Lava!!!!!!!!  I've already promised some other people that we will do this again at our night meeting, Tuesday, September 14th.  Come join us if you want to make one.  Any extra palm leaves you have dried are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!
Farrell says she can't paint and has never painted anything.  Way to go Farrell!

Look for another update on a variety of subjects on the blog post.  Happy Crafting, Bonnie

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